This is a Memorial Death card for a soldier
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
who died in June of 1917.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
The meaning of the German words:
"They were willing to die for the law
and for their native land."
Here is the meaning of the German words:
"They were willing to die for the law and for their native land."
How interesting that you should post a German card.
The equality of sacrifice is possibly a moot point but all are equal before God ,we are all sinners and in that war both sides claimed that God was on their side.
May light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in Peace.At the Going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them.
One of the books I teach to my classes is All Quiet on the Western Front, which shows WWI from the perspective of a young German soldier. This image is the perfect complement!
Just as today, our military troops fighting and dying for peace and safety for us all....May the glorious angels be their with them all and may we all pray for them from the rising of the sun to it's setting.
A very appropriate card.
anonymous from Calif.
John - Our translator of "Inspiration"....thank you.
diddleymaz - .....and there was death on both sides. Welcome them all Lord.
Ginny - How honored I am to be in the same thought of "All Quiet on the Western Front." I'm glad for that. Thanks.
Anonymous from CA - Your words are a beautiful prayer for all our service people. God bless them 24/7.
That is very neat that you have that. Your blog is interesting, I'm enjoying reading here.
Major and Sherry - Welcome to a first time commenter. It does make me happy to "meet" a new "friend." Thank you for your feedback.
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