I am very new at starting a blog but I figure if you don't start you can't learn.
The picture of the standard poodle is our beloved "Chelsey". She was our companion for 13 years until
she recently passed away.
Her favorite activity was to jump on my triple dresser and watch out the window at all the would be "robbers" and "troublemakers". She found great joy in protecting us.
I found a wonderful blog and my eyes were opened to all that is available through these wonderful sites. I'm impressed with so many different people and if I can only do a part of
what they do I'll be delighted.
I have an extensive collection/hobby of collecting religious "holy cards". They are a window to historic art of religious pictures. The collection is from the mid 1800s to present day. I think it is a real history of art that will soon find the little pictures gone and lost to those in the future who would like to see this artistic method.
I hope to post many of my collection and hope you will enjoy.
I've become interested in knitting after reading many blogs. I'm not at the point to show you yet what I've done but maybe in the future????
I might need lots of help with this blog and hope I can call on some of you.