"Love is the guarantee that the life of the Spirit
is growing in us.
Love is the sign of the Holy Spirit
at work in the Church
and in the world."
Thomas Merton
The inscription identifies the woman as a
"Daughter of Wisdom, without her cape/cloak."
The Daughters of Wisdom are
a congregation of women religious,
founded in the 1700s
by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montford
and Bl. Marie Louise Trichet.
The inscription identifies the woman as a "Daughter of Wisdom, without her cape/cloak."
The Daughters of Wisdom are a congregation of women religious, founded in the 1700s by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montford and Bl. Marie Louise Trichet.
Thankyou, Micki, for this beautiful card and thankyou, John, for the information about the nun portrayed!
Diane S.
John - We all enjoy your translations and thank you. Today's translation is very interesting. I never heard of "The Daughters of Wisdom."
Diane S. - Thank you also for leaving little messages for us. Yes, we are lucky to have John here to bring further inspiration to these cards.
No wonder the sister looks so serene, "A daughter of wisdom" what a wonderful name for a congregation for He is All Wise,there is a wonderfull hymn, that mentions that I cant recall how it starts just now but it ends "Tis only the splendour of light hideth thee"
Hi, Micki, and thanks...
to diddleymaz, Hi, I'm familiar with that hymn and was curious to read it. Info from wikipedia is available here:
diddleymaz - I'm glad aspiring could answer your song querry. I'm not familiar with that song.
aspiring - So glad you could come up with the answer for didleymaz.
However I do enjoy musical puzzles :-)
Immortal! Invisible!God Only Wise.
In light inaccessible, hid from our
All laud we would render,the Ancient of Days,
All Mighty! All Glorious!Thy Great Name we praise.
Its a great Anglican hymn the tune is lovely and i can sing most of it by heart but last night I had a senior moment!! I was a chorister and my Mum was an organist!Thanks aspiring for the prompt Im singing away now!!
diddleymaz - I think I can hear you singing....joy is in my heart.
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