Hint - See "Archives" on the left of this page to start back from the
beginning of this blog. There are several years worth of holy cards and inspirational quotes.
Comments left can still be read by the author of the blog.
Comments left can still be read by the author of the blog.

To all my dear dear friends,
The time has come for me to bring this holy card blog to an end. I can't believe over two and a half years have gone by (it's actually three and a half years but I took the first year's cards off the blog). It has been my joy and privilege to share my collection and love of holy cards with each and every one of you.
To those who so loyally sent words of friendship and encouragement, I will miss you. To those out there who stopped by but didn't leave any messages, I can only say "thank you". Seeing the number of visitors increase over time (over 337,000 "hits" from US and over 147 countries.....PRAISE GOD) told me that there were many of you who came frequently, if not daily. To those of you, my special blogging friends, who left comments and taught me as much if not more than what I shared with you, I will deeply miss checking the computer each day to read your words. Thank you.
The card posted today is special because it was given to me by a nun decades ago. It was the very beginning of something that grew into this collection that I enjoyed bringing to you. The words on the card touched a little girl's heart and still touches a senior citizen today. And so I pass these words on to all of you.
Remember the words......"See, O See, How I Love Thee". We love Him, He loves us, and I love you.
Archiving is shown on the left-sidebar. It makes it easier to go back and see over 825 cards. God bless you all. Thank you for being there for me. I will truly miss you.
(keep scanning down please)

PS If I could be allowed one further suggestion....use my blog to come back daily and start with the first post of 2008 (shown in the left side-bar)....use the quotes as mini-prayers for the day.
That will keep you busy for the next 2.5 years :-)
It's just impossible to scan all the quotes quickly and still be touched by words left for our inspiration. Maybe I'll even meet you while I'm doing the same.
If you haven't already discovered HOLY CARD HEAVEN, click here and add this beautiful blog to your daily appreciation of holy cards. You will truly enjoy.