You never think of Mary without Mary thinking of God on your behalf.
Neither do you ever praise and honor God without Mary praising and honoring God in union with you.
St. Louis Grignion de Montfort
Thanks to D.S. for gifting me with this holy card.
Such a beauty.
What a beautiful card to receive as a gift, Micki, but you do deserve it! I love Mary so much; I am sure she has often stood between me and harm and now does the same for my daughter.
My Best Regards, Lynneda
Thanks Lynneda, and I pray she is standing there for D.S. also. I'm sure she is.
I think that Pope Leo XIII's words (in French on the card), have this meaning:
" ~~~ Mary, Mother of Jesus ~~~
Mary, o very sweet Mother, we fly to your intercession, confident that your divine Son will grant your requests."
Beautiful, beautiful work of art!
Thanks Mikki..i found it 22nd Feb 2007..
That is a beautiful card and the quote from St. Louis de Montfort is equally beautiful. I'll be carrying it over to my blog as well--too good not to share!
You a beautiful Blog! Thank you for posting such beautiful pictures.
If you have a moment please visit my blog for a special prayer challenge for the unborn.
I want to than John for the beautiful translation of
the holy card I had sent to Micki!!!! It is from a
collection of old French holy cards that had belonged
to my great aunts who were French. God bless
Micki over and over for this wonderful site that
surely leads so many souls closer to Jesus and
What a beautiful and appropriate card for this Pro Life day.
Thank you so much Micki.
Anonymous John - Thank you for your helpful translations. Always appreciated. Certainly adds to the cards.
Bobbie - Thank you for stopping by. Your computer art blows me away.
Jackie - Always happy to help.
Barb, SFO - Thank you for sharing this beautiful card on your site. So nice to be appreciated.
Anonymous D.S. - I'm so happy we baptized you into commenting.
Daily Grotto - Thank you for being a first time poster here. Your message today was so perfect. I want to go back and read more.
Dave - Thank you for your compliment. Your post on The Right to Life was "right on." You also have a lot to offer so I will go back to read more.
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