Day and time of the Hour of Grace - December 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- to begin at 12 noon and to continue until 1 pm (one full hour of prayer)
- During this hour the person making the 'Hour of Grace' either at home or in the Church must put away all distractions. (Donot answer the telephone, or answer any doors, or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this Special H our of Grace).
- Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms
- The remainder of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent prayer before God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, praying the Holy Rosary, praising God in your own way or by using favorite prayers, singing hymns, meditating upon other Psalms, etc.
Information about the Hour of Grace available HERE
Above information came from Esther
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii: Reminder - Hour of Grace - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
What a beautiful holy card of Our Lady! Thankyou, Micki. Thankyou, also, for the information about the Hour of Grace.
Diane S.
I love the card. I can't remember ever seeing Our Blessed Mother dressed in pink before seeing this card. just beautiful, although I do think blue is Our Mother's color!! thank you for the info on the holy hour of grace as well.
I love this picture! I have never heard of the Hour of Grace before. How I wish I could participate, but I will be at work. Maybe I can request the day off next year.
Micki, That must be an awesome feeling to know how God is using you! I had never heard of the Hour of Grace. I will print the history that you linked to and pass it on. I love the card (my favorite color).
Diane - Your welcome. I hope with your extremely busy schedule you might be able to take part in this Hour of Grace. I'm going to do my best to do it also.
Gardenia - She is beautiful in pink isn't she....I love the connection with the roses and her title...Rosa Mystica.
Anne - Hey, one has to work. Maybe a few extra minutes might pop up for you to at least say a quicki prayer in spiritual memory along with those doing the hour???
Anonymous - Your words are very encouraging...I do need to hear this at this time....thank you. Esther's blog is what made me aware of this devotion....I was not familiar either. She has a wonderful blog.
A truly lovely devotion and wonderful image. Our Lady was shown in blue in meadieval art because Blue was the most exspensive colour and showed how important she was and how generous the donor!
Mystic Rose is one of the lovely holy names of Mary from the litany of Our Lady,all drawn from old testamant prophecies.And of course by revelation to Saints since,Roses signify prayers and graces think of St Therese of Liseux and Our Lady of Lourdes with golden roses on her feet!
I love the additional comments madew after I posted. Rosa Mystica. beautiful. Micki, where is Esther's blog?? Also, thanks for letting me post the St. Nicolaus cards. see my post here is you wish:
diddleymaz - I never knew that about the color "blue". Thanks for being a good teacher.
Gardenia - Esther's blog is on my sidebar links. Also, when you click in the post, go to the very bottom and click on "home". Enjoy.
Micki, thanks so much for spreading the word on this devotion. Beautiful image as usual!
Esther G. - Thanks....I'm so anxious to do this tomorrow. It's new to me and I feel very sure our Mother will be pleased.
This holy card is particularly lovely.
The link to information about the Hour of Grace no longer works.
Here are two that do:
Thank you very much for posting the holy cards. They are a blessing.
Anonymous - Thank you for the updated link. I just added it to the post. I'm sure all will be interested in this devotion.
My herb business is named after and is under the patronage of The Mystical Rose (Mystical Rose Herbals.com). Our family has been participating in this Hour of Grace for many years. Thank you for publishing it!
Thank you for posting your comment. I must say that I had forgotten this beautiful tradition and I will try very hard to take part in this in a few days. Thank YOU for bringing it back to my attention.
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