In seven days we will celebrate the anniversary of the Lord's first coming into the world.
Keep working to better yourself.
Let your love increase.
Know what is of value in your life.
Posting an early Christmas wish.
Click HERE
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
Thankyou for sharing this beautiful holy card!
Diane S.
I wonder what kind of hat is that, laying on top of what looks like a shepherd's staff. Is that a shepherd's hat? beautiful, that Jesus is hovering over the lambs.
That hat, my dear, is the sign that Micki was there ahead of us to let the Lord know that we were on our way. (a tiny bit of humor)
And thank you, Micki, for your beautiful Christmas greeting to all of us!
Diane S. - So sweet of you to stop by...glad you enjoy.
Gardenia - Yes, you are absolutely correct. It is a shepherd's hat. See below for a link to check it out.
Anonymous - I wish you had a name...I'd give you a hug for making me laugh out loud. I'm not even a member of the "Red Hat Society" (old ladies wearing red hats...but I am old anyway).
So glad you like the Christmas message.
Now, here is a link to see the hat.
To see Jesus wearing a shepherd's hat, CLICK HERE
Micki, I really enjoyed the beauty of this e-card. Reminded me of the Christmas trees and decorations of Germany when I was a child. Thank you for sharing this.
Also the card posted for today is very sweet. I am prayig for all as we prepare for the day of Jesus' arrival that we may love Him more this Christmas than we did last year. May Jesus be born anew in our hearts this Holy Season. As the wisemen of old brought gifts of gold franinsense and myrr, let us give the Christ Child the gift of our hearts and life!! Have a Peaceful weekend Micki~ John K.
John K. - Thank you from "all of us" for your prayers. I love your message to "give the Christ Child the gift of our hearts". Very appropriate.
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