"If you are what you should be,
you will set the whole world on fire."
St. Catherine of Siena
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
Hi, Micki.
I think that, if a visitor clicks on your link to see last year's St. Catherine card, it appears to come right back to this year's card. A person may not know that it is then necessary to scroll down to see last year's -- and he/she may give up on it. (I just scrolled down by accident and noticed it.)
Here is a direct link to last year's card. Both cards are terrific (like the saint and you)!
Micki, today is a day 'for me' and I'm here to share it. (Big smile!) Have a wonderful !! day. I hope to be back this evening to comment, time permitting.
John - Thank you for pointing that out. I fixed it and it should be doing the right thing now. I'm so glad you told me or I never would have noticed...I'm still learning all that html stuff :-)
a.f.o.o.L. - I hope you had a great "me day" because we all need to have those once in a while.
Anything really exciting to share???
Micki, hi, I didn't mean to be vague above. I was in a hurry; also, I'm back on my cell phone for internet activity - a tedious means of writing to be sure although, in the same breath, I'm sooo thankful to have it to resort to. I'll be back online via computer next week when service with a new internet provider is installed.
Anyway, just below is copied from my comments to you last year at this time. It applies to today, too !
"I've been celebrating the feast of St. Catherine all day, and WHAT a day it has been !! in her company."
Every April 29th truly is a day 'for me' very literally. (Some day I'll write about that - I haven't yet.) And I am indeed here to share my day, as I said above. It occurred to me this morning that it's waaay too good to keep for myself. It must be shared - which I did as widely as I could in my joy and my prayer, and among the people in my day. I couldn't contain it anyway. All of which is intended to explain my cryptic comment above. Again, sorry.
With that in mind, I was taken by the idea in Magnificat magazine's meditation for today by St. Catherine: "...spread our loving desires out over all our sisters and brothers, loving them with a pure love, without self-interest..."
While I have not perfected love - by a long shot - 'sharing' my day in spirit and in body, felt like that.
Now it is near the end of 'my day' and so I'm anticipating April 29, 2010! :) !
God bless you, dear friend ! You are important to me ! :) !
a.f.o.o.L. - What words of encouragement, joy, and love came from you above. You are like a great homily that makes you want to go out and start the day over with your enthusiasm and love. I look forward to reading more about how to spend your day with St. Catherine. Hugs.
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