Jesus Dies on the Cross
Crucified with two criminals, a sign saying "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews," chief priests, scribes and elders continue their mockery, yet Mary and the faithful women stand in silence. At last Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said, "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."
Having said this He expired
They have pierced His hands and His feet. We can count all His bones. They look on Him and
gloat. They divide His garments among themselves, and for His vesture they cast lots.
This is one of the best pictures of the Crucifixion I have ever seen. The way the artist shows the intimacy among Our Lord, his Mother, and St. John is, to me, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Even in this moment of intense suffering we are caught up in an inexpressible love and made part of it.
Dearest Jesus, thank you for suffering and dying for love of us. May we live and die only for you.
And thank you sweet Micki for your words of encouragement!
This is so beautiful!
I am happy to see what Fr Scott Baily said about the other figures.
I knew that was probably Mary, but was not sure about the other one. Of course it makes sense, as this is when he is instructing John on the keeping of his mother. I think this is one of the most obvious conclusions that Mary had no other children, otherwise Jesus wouldn't have insured her care to John. Right?!
As always thank you for sharing your cards with us.
Happy, Happy Easter!
Dear Micki
Your series of the Stations of the Cross were beautiful.
Thank You for posting them.
Happy Easter to you and your family.
God Bless
Fr. Scott - "Intense suffering;......we are made part of it." I pray our Lenten sacrifices are worthy of being part of the suffering. We can even continue with our sufferings aften Lent...some might even start after Lent because the Lenten sacrifice wasn't completed to our expectations.
Ally - Your explanation made me smile because I always think so many artists make John look rather feminine.
Ed - Thank you. My wishes for a blessed Easter go with you also.
One classic and moving picture from 1904 that shows St. John as totally masculine is called "Return from Calvary" by Herbert Schmalz. You can see a copy here:
This picture is so moving, especially at this time.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful holy cards.
Anonymous - Thanks for sharing that picture. It truly is wonderful. Nice to see him looking like a "him" :-)
Anonymous -
Thank you for this symbolist masterpiece. Of course, I have added it to my collection.
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