Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
Lord Jesus, who in your pilgrimage along the roads of Palestine,
chose and called the apostles
and entrusted to them their task of preaching the Gospel,
feeding the faithful and celebrating divine worship,
ensure that today, too,
your Church may not lack numerous holy priests,
who can bring to all the fruits of your death and resurrection.
(Pope John Paul II , Message for Vocations Sunday 2001)
Sweet Micki,
I join in this beautiful prayer for the vocation of priest. I don't know what I would have done if God had not put the priest in my path at different times in my life. They are much needed and we have a shortage...I will add this prayer to my intentions. Beautiful card!
Love & Hugs,
Prayerflowers - I know all ministries need good holy people. We must keep asking the Shepherd to provide.
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