April 15-20, 2008
"The one who has hope lives differently;
the one who hopes has been granted
the gift of a new life."
Pope Benedict, Spe. Salvi, 2
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
"Welcome!" indeed, to Pope Benedict XVI! And I join you and all the Host of God in prayer for fulfillment of God's will through our Holy Father and through his visit to our country. In Jesus' Most Holy Name, Amen. For reader information, EWTN is carrying live and encore coverage of his visit each day. I have a central time schedule I can share if anyone wishes me, too.
What a blessed and holy time for us in this country to have our beloved Shepherd, Holy Father Pope BenedictXVI, in our country. This is a time of great graces!!!
Diane S.
Sweet Micki,
Thank you for this picture of Pope Benedict. I am so excited that he is coming here. I am praying for more eyes to be open to our Sweet Jesus.
Thank you! I'm praying for the continuing safety and health of Pope Benedict.
Praise God for our Holy Father's visit to our nation. I agree with Diane -- it feels like a time of great graces. Micki, a quote I came across in your website for July spoke to me in relation to the logistics of my new-ish efforts at praying without ceasing. Thank you and thank God for its appearance for me tonight: "There is not a time to pray and a time not to pray...you hold the hand of God. Sometimes you talk and sometimes you dont, but you are with God all the time." Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Everyone - Thank you so much for taking the time to post a comment. It is such a blessing to read how everyone is praying for our Holy Father. Yes, I agree that this is a great time of grace for us all. Again, I love reading YOUR comments....let us all join together in praying for our Shepherd's safety.
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