Saturday, July 25, 2009

What Can I Do?...................July 25

"Do something
for somebody every day
for which you do not get paid."

Albert Schewitzer


Ginny said...

What a fascinating quotation ... I guess as a mom, I do that pretty regularly! :)

Anonymous said...

What a consoling and beautiful holy card. Thankyou, Micki.

Diane S.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and rewarding thing to do this is. That everyone would practice this more. Yes, as moms we do this every day, the point being we should all do it even if we aren't moms.

Anonymous said...

I love these old black and white holy cards with the lace border. This card is particularly touching.

As the previous comments left, we should incorporate this act of charity everday. Yes, the world would be so much better if this were practised in the true sense of word. To many people today, are so busy and caught up in themselves they miss many opportunities to be a blessing to others. Or they say, what is in it for me? How sad!! May we all learn to bring the healing and gently touch of Jesus to the lives of others even if at times it is inconvient. A blessed weekend to all! Thank you Micki for sharing this "treasure." John K.

Micki said...

Ginny - get paid for that hugs and kisses from those sweet urchins :-)

Diane S. - Your welcome. Consolation is always so welcomed..nice that it can come through art.

Anonymous - I think another word for "moms" in this vein might be brothers, sisters, moms, dads, friends, neighbors....doesn't long as we "do" for someone.

John K. - Glad you like the "oldies"... I'm partial to them also.
Yes, "daily charity" is what it's all about. Thanks.