"Humility is the only thing
that no devil can imitate.
If pride made demons
out of angels,
there is no doubt
that humility
could make angels out of demons."
St. John Climaus
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
This is a very beautiful card and what can I say about the message with it? But Wow!! Very deep. Remembering that nothing is Impossible for God when we trust and believe in His will and good for our lives. May we also give Him our love. I have always found it sad, that so many, myself included ask Jesus for many things, some good; others not. The important things is to love Him who so generously blesses us with so many gifts. May we use the many blessings bestowed upon us for the greater Glory of God and to raise up mankind to know and taste the sweetness of the Lord!! Hope you had a restful weekend Micki! John K.
John K. - Thanks for the reminder that all prayer should start with Praise and Thanksgiving. If only we were more appreciative of all the blessings we do receive without ever asking.
The quote and the card were awesome. I found the previous two comments just as uplifting and inspirational. I LOVE this website. Thanks Micki! Stephanie
beautiful picture-beautiful quote!
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