When it works, it's worth repeating.
"God is very generous
and does not deny His grace to anyone.
Indeed He gives more than what we ask of Him.
Faithfulness to the inspirations
of the Holy Spirit—
that is the shortest route. "
Faithfulness to the inspirations
of the Holy Spirit—
that is the shortest route. "
Sister Faustina
“At three o’clock, implore my mercy especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, steep yourself in My passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world…In this hour, I will refuse nothing to that soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion, for at that moment, mercy was opened wide for every soul…at that hour, grace came to pass for the whole world...Mercy triumphed over Justice."
Good Morning Micki,
I love this picture...I use love looking at this picture when praying the chaplet.
Have a beautiful day!
Happy Feast Day, Micki!
Thankyou, Micki, for this beautiful holy card, so appropriate for this feast of Divine Mercy!
Diane S.
Prayerflowers, Zetor, Angela M., and Diane S.
Thank you all for taking the time to drop comments which are always so appreciated. I prayed for you all during our Divine Mercy church service. A blessed feast day to you all.
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