Friday, February 20, 2009

*Prayer for Priests..........February 20

Prayer for Priests

..........Give us truly holy priests who,
inflamed with the fire of Thy divine love,
seek nothing but Thy greater glory
and the salvation of our souls.

And thou, Mary, good Mother of priests,
help all priests in their trials and difficulties
and with the loving hand of a Mother,
guide them through the changes of their holy vocation.


Latin words mean, "You are a priest for ever."


Anonymous said...


The Latin words mean, "You are a priest for ever."


Anonymous said...

Freda, Thank you for your prayers.(To all thank you!).

John, thanks for the interpretation!

Micki, hope you have a wonderful weekend! God bless!


Micki said...

ohn - Thank you again for your translations for the blog. I'm sure there are many who truly appreciate what you add to our enjoyment.

Ally - Thank you...I hope you do also. We are getting MORE snow :-)

irene said...

I too give thanks for the translations, as well as the beautiful cards.

But I think it is a commentary (not a criticism or a condemnation) on how the world has changed in the last sixty years that Latin has become one of the languages that needs translation.

Micki said...

Irene - Great point about the lack of Latin study. My husband studied Latin and French. I only studied Spanish and no Latin....and that was a long, long, time ago. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.