Saturday, September 12, 2009

Holy Name of Mary...........September 12

Jesus, enable us to love Mary
as you do.
Mary, help us to love Jesus,
as you do.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.



Unknown said...

Mary is my second name, also in my mother. My grandma and my grand-grandma were also called Mary. here in Spain is a very common name, and always in honor of the Virgin.

Anonymous said...

What a truly wonderfull card!!
The lilies,the crown of stars,show the purity and status of Our Lady.

My first name is Marion which is the earliest european diminutive of Mary.(italian)

Prayerflowers said...

Thank you Micki beautiful card...
We love you Sweet Mother Mary...

Micki said...

Meldelen, diddleymaz, Prayerflowers......Happy Namesake Day to the three of you. What a treasure you all carry. I wish Mary was as popular a name now as it use to be....parents are missing a great blessing.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, Micki, for sharing this beautiful card on this feast of the Holy Name of Mary.

Diane S.

Roz said...

Thank you Micki for posting such a lovely visual gesture for Our Lady. Hope you are doing well !
Blessings, Roz (bella)

Roz said...

I remember when there were so many girls with the name of "Mary" . . . and now I just don't hear it among the younger generation (that I teach). My middle name is "Marie" and I am so happy that my parents chose it. More blessings sent your way, dear blogging friend! Roz

owenswain said...

Love this one and the prayer intention also.

Ed Sousa said...

Beautiful Micki. Thank You.

Micki said...

Diane - Thank you again for your taking the time to leave a comment. God bless you all.

Bella - Roz - Another blessed namesake blewssing coming your way. I agree about all those missing Marys.

Owen - We've missed you. Thanks for stopping by.

Ed - You are such a faithful Mary promoter. Thank you for the blessings that your blog always brings. My prayers are still out there for Fr. unknown recipient of prayers.