Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do Things in HIS Name..........October 12

"Lord, help me to do great things
as though they were little,
since I do them with your power;
and little things
as though they were great,
since I do them in your name."

John Ortberg


owenswain said...

Is this John Ortburg the same as the one who used to be on staff with the megachurch Willow Creek outside of Chicago and who is presently pastor of the megachurch Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California?

aspiring... said...
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Micki said...

Bright Light Software - Thank you for coming by again. I appreciate your sharing the card with others.

Owen - I'm not really sure who he is. I just found the quote and I enjoyed it so thought I'd pass it along.

Aspiring - Thank you. I wish you could see the card in person. It has much "sparkle."

owenswain said...

I only know one John Ortbburg so my guess that's who the quote belongs to.