To love means loving the unlovable.
To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.
Faith means believing the unbelievable.
Hope means hoping
when everything seems hopeless.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Dear Followers of the blog. I am forced to cancel any printing options of my cards due to people adding copies to Public Domain where anyone can copy the card. As you know, my cards are from my personal collection and are for use for individual inspiration and motivation. I don't want those who want to use the image for themselves to miss using the card, so in the future, please email me (holycards(at)verizon.net) and give me the date of the posted card that you want. I will email you the file image for your use. Thank you for understanding. You can still highlight the card/page and print on your computer.
That is a tall order--and certainly appropriate today. I will do my best, but, God forgive me if I fall short.
Mary Lou - I do some cards ahead and I didn't even know this was going to be today's quote. Surprise, surprise. I too will join you to "do my best". Big smile inserted.
Take courage, dearest Micki---sometimes I don't read the comments but this morning I just happened to read the comments from yesterday. It is such a sadness when people go on the attack.....as a mom of many I have gone through times when I will have a kid that is what I call filled with "attitude, instead of gratitude"---this is certainly the case with the writer yesterday who gave you a verbal blast---attitude instead of gratitude!!!!
You, Micki, have been most generous in sharing your holy cards with us.....we thank you for your kindness and goodness in sharing not only the holy cards but the holy thoughts with them.
God Bless You!
Diane S.
Diane - Thank you for your soothing words. I have heard privately from so many people who can't believe that she interpreted things the way she did. I'm so grateful for loyal friends and I never expected so many emails supporting the blog and what's been changed. I thank you for publicly stating an excellent point about attitude and gratitude. Blessings dear friend.
I hope you haven't minded me posting your cards on my blog! If so, I'm so very sorry. I always posted where they came from. Thanks and please accept my apologies if I acted thoughtlessly.
Alexandra - You are absolutely no problem to my problem. Please continue to use what ever you want. If you want a file picture just emailo me and I'll send it to you. Unfortunately this has to be because of people who are dishonest.
Phew, gotcha'. I really like sharing your cards...so glad you don't mind that I continue to do so. God bless.
If you want to protect your pictures, I think Picassa, Google's free image editor, has a copyright function where you can apply a translucent "C" or your name over the bottom of the image. This way if people want a clean copy, they have to email you. I know there are other image editors that are free which will do this for you...easy to find in a Google search.
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