"We must forgive others,
for on no other condition will our own sins be forgiven.
It is as simple as that.
There can be and there will be no mercy
toward us unless we ourselves are merciful.
The real test of the Christian then
is not how much he loves his friends,
but how much he loves his enemies."
Bishop Fulton Sheen
The hardest test of all to pass, isn't it? Micki, I thank you for your blog site, I love to come here and see your cards and read your quotes. It always lifts me up in a prayer.
Thankyou, Micki, for the beautiful card and that quote from Sheen--Wow! Here is a quote from St. Therese that is also a difficult one to follow but is the essense of being Jesus-like----"When you are angry with someone, the way to find peace is to pray for that person adn ask God to reward him or he for making you suffer."
Diane S.
I have been struggling a lot lately with forgiving those who have hurt me. Thank you so much for the beautiful and inspiring quote. This is just what I needed at this time. God bless! Stephanie
The holy card of Mary is so Beautiful. Thank you so much. The quote is very powerful. I think we all need to listen to that especially in these times. I need to be more forgiving, and I know I fail at it alot. Blessings~JMJ~Lisa S.
What a wonderful reminder to all of us. I am sure we all have struggled and do with the act of forgiving.
I start off my day every morning by going into the site. It has helped me through many a day.
Thank you Micki for all your sharing.
Profound words ,and a very lovely image.At a time of trial something to measure oneself against.
And someone who will always be there for us no matter how dark the place.
Anne - Absolutely the hardest thing to do...seems so unnatural. I guess that is why we have to ask for His help. Thanks.
Diane S. - Love your quote from St. Therese. Thank you. That too sounds so difficult...but I know personally that it does work :-)
Stephanie - What courage you have to share with us your very normal feelings of diffuculty in forgiving. We will be there for you in prayer. Thanks.
Lisa S. - Thank you also for sharing. I think when we all admit our own personal difficulty it might make it easier to do what is right??? Thanks.
KTee - Welcome...I think you might be a first time commenter???
Loved your word "struggle"...that certainly the correct word for trying to do what we should regarding forgiveness. Thanks for that thought.
diddleymaz - "dark and always there"...wow....I love that image. Thanks.
Oh I love this quote and picture!
Tara - Thank you.
I just got back from looking at your blog and although we had a good homily today (Monday) I wish we could have heard the one you posted about. Great job.
To forgive even when the person does not ask our forgiveness, is something to remember. I really need to work on that. I pray for AB Sheen's cannonization - if it be according to God's Holy Will.
God Bless you and your work here, Micki, as always.
Adrienne - I'll join you in prayer for AB Sheen (took me a second or two to figure out the AB)
I still think forgetting is harder than forgiving. Best advice to forget....pray for them.
Thanks for your blessing.
not just in heaven but on earth it eats you up inside, forgiving is better for your soul even before you go to heaven. Jesus had to be the true son of God he was like no other person. He said things that were the exact opposite of what humans have done for justice. Revenge, murder. But he was different then all the rest, mostly with love and forgiveness, he was helping our souls on earth that made us better beings. When he spoke of these things it was like deep within us. Who before says forgive your enemies, who even thinks like that.
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