The wonderful lesson of washing others' feet, which symbolizes our serving others with humility and without imposing our own conditions.
Jesus tells us to emulate His actions in this simple ceremony: "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you"
(John 13:15).
another pre-raphaelite painting Micki you have great taste! and a wonderful subject.
A wonderful reminder to us all. Thanks!
Today,I left a comment on yesterdays Holy Card.
new viewer,anonymous
diddleymaz - And you are my art expert who can keep us informed as to who the artist was. Thanks...maybe not the artist but certainly the time frame :-)
New Viewer - I responded to your post from yesterday. Glad to have you aboard.
What a beautiful card- the humility of Jesus here...
Regina - Humility...yes, we all need to follow His example. Ever hear of the expression "eat humble pie"? I guess it's a trait we all need to remember.
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