Christ is not valued at all
St. Augustine
French words: (At the top:) " The
unless He is valued above all.
St. Augustine
French words: (At the top:) " The
Eucharistic Life of Jesus through the eyes
of faith"
(Around the halo:) "Father, Friend, Counselor, Light, Physician, Priest, Victim, Savior, Helper, Advocate,Confidante, Spouse, ): I am here...to console Thy Heart, to cheer Thy spirit, to strengthen Thy weakness...and especially to be Thy helper in Thy duties toward my Father...toward Thyself."
Dearest Micki,
It will be 2010. I am so anxious! Our Father is developing my patience! ha! But, the journey is wonderful everyday. New blessings and understanding opening up daily! I was raised devoutly in the protestant faith, so I am not a new Christian. To enter the Church and partake of the Eucharist is just....well more than words can say!
Isn't God good to bless us with friends via all kinds of interesting places! :)
Irene, Thanks for the welcome! You bless me!
In Christ!
Here is a translation of the French words:
(At the top:)
"The Eucharistic Life of Jesus through the eyes of faith"
(Around the halo:)
"Father, Friend, Counselor, Light, Medicine, Priest, Victim, Savior, Helper, Advocate, Confidante, Spouse, Brother"
(At the bottom:)
"Jesus-Host [Victim]: I am here ... to console Thy Heart, to cheer Thy spirit, to strengthen Thy weakness ... and especially to be Thy helper in Thy duties toward my Father ... toward Thy neighbor ... toward Thyself."
What a treasure---perfect to place in a prayerbook one takes to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
The quote is exceptional also....thankyou, Micki!
Diane S.
Thank you for your site.
It is wonderful!!!
Bless you,
Thank you to all. I'm having computer problems so I'll just say God bless you all for taking the time to drop comments. Hugs.
I was deeply moved by the text with today's holy card! Such beautiful words to reflect upon. The "gentleness' and 'love" of Our dear Saviour! He is after all to be our EVERYTHING if we but accept the invitation He offers each of us. Thank you Micki for your kind words that you left the other day.I am glad that what I said touched you. I am but a "speck of dust" in the picture of things. Yet, I humbly Thank God for His gifts that He so lovingly showers with, may I in turn pass these blessings on to others so that they maybe uplifted! To expierence and taste the "Goodness of the Lord!" John K.
This message is for Ally, It is so wonderful to read about your Excitment on entering Jesus Church. I wish more "cradle Catholics" shared your enthusiasm for the faith He handed down to us. I assure you of my prayers as you continue your journey with the Lord! May Jesus and Our Lady enfold you in their care and Love! John K.
You are most welcome, Ally. As another convert from a protestant denomination, it is easy for me to empathize with your enthusiasm.
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