"My soul, it is good
to seek God as one who is hidden,
for you come very close to Him
when you see Him as being higher
and deeper than anything you can reach."
St. John of the Cross
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
Micki, the meditation is breathtaking. And the image? A most beautiful thing to see prayer in unexpected settings.
in Jesus, aspiring +
THAT image is wonderful! I would like to print it out and put it in my classroom (I am in Texas!)
Thank you (again) for this wonderful website!
Is this image copywritten or can I distribute copies??
That's one I haven't seen. I think a man who prays is very attractive! Thank you for all the holy cards you put up. I really enjoy your blog!
In Christ, Mary
Broken Alabaster
I love this one Micki.
Thank You
omgosh, Micki ~
Where did you FIND that?!? It's beautiful!
I agree that to see prayer in unexpected settings is a treat for the eyes!
Would that more people, in every "unexpected" corner of the country, take the Beads into their hands, still their "horses" and get down on their knees before the Great God of us all...and BEG Him to save our land!
Without the Holy Rosary, we are in big trouble, indeed...
This is awesome. Thanks.
I can't add anything meaningful to the comments already here. So just let me join the thankful group.
The cowboy...a classic American image. And this is what all the cowboys (and cowgirls) need to do now, get on our knees and pray!!
What a great card and meditation.
Welcome back! I hope you had a good vacation.
Thank you all for your comments about this "blast from the past" cowboy card and meditation. Reminded me of the cowboy movies I went to as a child. And yes, the observation that one can pray anywhere is so true. I also agree with the comment that it is wonderful to see a man praying. I'm always touched when I see a man come to weekday Mass by himself. I would like to hope that ALL of us imitate this card by praying, not off our horses, but maybe in our cars???
Again, thank you for the welcome back...five days already and it's always good to be home.
Love and blessings to all.
One of your best Micki, simply incredible!
*sigh* Absolutely beautiful. Definitely enough to make any girl swoon. ;)
I always love to say: Real men love their Mother.
SB - Thank you....I wish there was more like this myself.
MCD - I LOVE your statement "real men love their Mother" and I can just picture your "swoon"....you put a smile on my face.
Soutenus - Did you get my email?
This reminds me of a man I used to see in a church who, I was told, prayed his Rosary every day. He was a carpenter but dressed like a cowboy and very handsome and rugged looking. It was an amazing sight. Too bad it was also an unusual sight.
Anonymous - Thanks for sharing this memory with us. I can just imagine your thoughts the first time you saw him. I've always been touched when I see a man or "men" praying. Praise God.
This is wonderful! I will share this at my prison Mass. They have lots of meditation time.
Rivermench - Thank you. It's one of my favorites also.
It was nice to see this image again. When I was a kid, probably 45 years ago, my mother saw this picture on the cover of a religious magazine (St. Anthony Messenger?). She wrote to the publisher and was able to get a print copy of this. She had it framed and had it hanging in our home. I now own it and really love it. She was a musician and cowgirl yodeler...and a devout Catholic; hence her immediate desire to own a copy. It is called "Cowboy Praying the Rosary" by artist Don Smith. In looking for more info on this, I found a site that will sell it to you:
This is not an endorsement for the seller, just an observation.
I also agree that there is nothing more attractive than a pious man.
Froggy - Thank you for being a first time commenter. Welcome.
It was so great to read about your experience growing up with this picture and the words about your musician,cowgirl and yodeler mother. That sure made me smile. How wonderful to grow up with this picture. That was a wonderful site. I wish I would have known about it earlier when several visitors wanted to buy a copy. I couldn't send them anywhere for lack of knowing where it existed. Thank you....God bless you for sharing your knowledge. Stop by again.
My name is Joel and I'd love to know if and where a copy of this poster is available?
Also, it would be wonderful to meet a wonderful woman who thinks like this.
God bless.
Why does he have his hat on? Beautiful picture only the artist forgot a very key element...
To answer the question above. I think he has his hat on to shade the sun off his face. He has his hat on because the artist wanted you to know for sure that he is a rancher looking at his cows/horses below. Mainly to show he is a cowboy.
Why should he not have a hat on? I'm not from Texas.
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