Happy are the pure of heart for they shall see God.
Happy the peacemakers; they shall be called sons of God.
Happy are they who suffer persecution for justice' sake; the kingdom of heaven is theirs....
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward
will be great in heaven.
Matthew 5:8-10, 12
We need to stay strong in our faith and to keep this scripture passage of Matthew in mind, because I think in the coming years there is going to be much to suffer.
It would be well to read Psalm #91 also.
What a magnificent picture of our Lord! We live in such a time of uncertainity and where our faith is continuously trampled upon! Thankfully we can find refuge amidst the storms of life in the shelter of Jesus' strong arms! He will strengthen our faith lead us to the Heavenly shores of the "New Jerusalem" and it is there that everything we had to endure will be worth the little time we spent in this land of exile. Thank you dear Jesus for loving us and giving yourself to us in the Blessed Eucharist, the food of our souls and bread of Heaven! A blessed day to all! John K.
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