Bring flowers of the fairest
Bring flowers of the rarest
From garden and woodland
And hillside and vale.
Our full hearts are swelling,
Our Glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest Rose of the vale.
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
Hi Precious Micki,
You are an angel, thank you for your prayers and call. You blessed me knowing that you were praying and had others praying too.
I love this picture of Jesus & St. Joseph with the flowers. I love seeing Jesus and Mary with flowers.
Tending to delicate flowers, praying as we work in our garden (mine for now has to be virtual)is a precious way to pray offering to Our Lord our work and time. Real flowers are true gifts to us from God.
I have missed writing I hope I am able to be up more.
Love & Hugs,
Wow! I'm so surprised, Micki.
This morning, I came across a most amazing painting of St. Joseph and Jesus at another Internet site. I immediately thought of mentioning it here.
But then I said to myself, "No. It's too late, because yesterday was St. Joseph's day, and I should not mention him again today."
To my surprise, I have come here today and found ANOTHER St. Joseph card that you have posted. So that has made me bold enough to post a link to the painting I mentioned. Please notice what Jesus is handling and the shadow that he casts on the floor. Click here.
PS: I forgot to mention, Micki, that the words you posted are from another one of my favorite hymns -- great for a May crowning.
Another lovely Father and Son depiction, Micki, with the Mother's presence alluded to with the lily in Jesus' hand. So, so pretty, Thank You.
And thank you again, John, because I didn't know where the lovely words came from until you mentioned it.
Best Regards, Lynneda
I absolutely love that picture you shared with us, John! Know that I always look forward to reading your comments. :-) Thank you from all of us! God bless you abundantly!
So sorry I have been busy. I missed Micki's post on Prayerflowers... I will have a special prayer for you, dear lady.
Micki dearest,
Thank you as ever! Have a blessed and joyful weekend to all!
Prayerflowers - I love the idea of your "virtual" flowers. I think your best flowers given are the spiritual ones you send to all who know you. Hugs,
John - What a wonderful warm holy card that is. Thank you for sharing. I used St. Joseph today because we all know May is for Mary but I thought this was touching with Jesus bringing her flowers.
PS...yes, we will sing it tonight when our church has it's May Crowning celebration (5-3-08)
Lynneda - Yes, that might be a little unusual....."father and son" in May, the month of Mary. But after all, she keeps bringing us to her son doesn't she?
Easter - Thank YOU.. You always are so busying thinking of others. Blessings are rebounding to you.
beautiful blog, beautiful pictures! iam going to add you to my blogs of note:)
Marilena - Thank you. I added you to mine also :-)
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