The year of the Priest started June 19, 2009 and ends June 19, 2010.
Are you praying for your priests? We need them and they need us.
“Do not be afraid to give your life to Christ! Nothing will ever replace the ministry of priests at the heart of the Church! Nothing will ever replace a Mass for the salvation of the world! Dear young and not so young who are listening to me, do not leave Christ's call unanswered.” — Pope Benedict XVI
"And all men are ready to pass judgment on the priest as if he was not a being clothed with flesh, or one who inherited a human nature."
St. John Chrysostom
Here is the meaning of the Latin words on this card ...
[At the top:]
"A Memorial of the Priestly Life"
[In the center, and below each of the vignettes showing events in the life of a priest, are words taken from a very old devotional work that was once used by clergymen:]
"O Priest, who are you?
"You are not from yourself, because you are from nothing.
"You are not directed toward yourself, because you are a mediator for men.
"You are not wed to yourself, because you are the spouse of the Church.
"You are not your own, because you are the servant of all.
"You are not yourself, because you are 'God' [when playing the role of Jesus in the Sacraments].
"Thus, you are nothing and yet everything."
[The words in Old English font, under the arches at the bottom, are the Latin translation of 1 Cor 4-1:]
"This is how a man should regard us: as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God."
Thank You to John for Translating.
Oh, Micki, ...Thank You... for honoring our priests by sharing your beautifully detailed holy card and quotes. Our prayers for our priests can never end. Joy and peace to all your family and friends! I appreciate your sharing of your cards and quotes daily with the world and the comments by your visitors. ...Happiness forever... ~Freda~
Are you praying for your priest? Yes I am. On another blog that I read the writer, at the begining of the Year of the Priest suggested that you adopt a priest and select one day of the week to say a rosary for him. I adopted my parish priest and chose Thursday as the day I would pray for him.
Thank you for all your prayers! That was a most beautiful holy card!
Thank you for this beautful card! I pray everyday for priests,also the Rosary, especially for those I know. With a friend we meet twice a week in Church to pray the Rosary for priests and go the Way of the Cross for them. I have also printed many cards with prayers for priests and distributed them. What and where would we be without priests?
No priest, no Jesus. This is so wonderful! Thank you for posting this. Your cards are always gorgeous! Where do you find them all?
Freda - Thank you for your v ery kind message. Yes, our prayers for priests can never end.
Anonymous - I love the idea of offering a rosary a week for our beloved priests. What a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.
Fr. Dismas - Welcome Father....yes, we pray for you too. You can count on that for sure :-)
Anonymous - What a beautiful thing you are doing. It's a terrible thing to think about when you ask "where would we be without our priests"? It's scarry to answer that question.
Anne - They go back many many years. I'm glad you enjoy them. I love your "No priests, no Jesus". How true is that!!!!!
the feelings in the world are changing.. Our priests are misjudged.. it is up to us to continue our prayers for our clergy so that new generations will hopefully see how very necessary they are needed. Without them we have no sacraments.
Like you I pray every day for my priests and Pope and every chance I get I let my priest know how much I appreciate having him.
muy hermosos, felicidades
Beautiful, thank you for your prayers!
Michele - Your words are perfect and so true and all I can say is Thank You for adding them here.
Anonymous - Gracias. Usted es un visitante bienvenido.
Fr. Larry - It is our pleasure to remember you in prayer. It is HIS pleasure to except all you do. Thank you.
The words 'O Priest etc.' were written by St. Norbert.
Anonymous - Thank you for your information about St. Norbert writing those words. I was happy to go back and re-read the comments left on this post. It was a good feeling to be reminded of the importance of praying for our beloved priests.
May I copy and share the card and the words posted about it.
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