The original of this famous 19th century work was "Quasi Oliva Speciosa in Campis" by Niccolò Barabino. The title is taken from the book of Sirach and translates: "As a fair olive tree in the plains" (Sir 24:19). Our Lady is seated in a garden with the Child Jesus surrounded by olive branches and the Prince of Peace holds a branch.
Read about Our Lady of the Olives HERE.
".....the title "Our Lady of Olives" comes from the Bible and the symbolism of the Olive Tree in the Scriptures. Especially from the book of Sirach which speaks about Wisdom as a "fair olive tree in the field".
Taken from HERE.
So interesting! Thanks for the information.
My St. Michael medal has this on the other side! I sent the same medal to my son serving in Afghanistan - apparently Our Lady of Olives protects against lightening strikes!
Thank you Micki for this beautful card and information. I didn´t know about this devotion before; very interesting information. Your site lifts up the spirit every day with new inspiration and freshness! May God bless you always for what you do for us.
I found one of these medals in my grandmother's things when she passed away. Now I know the whole story behind it! Thanks!
I'm a massive Mary fan, and I had never, EVER heard of this title for her!
Thank you for enlightening me!
Holy Card Heaven, bryn, Angela M., Anonymous, and Anonymous...thank you all for your words, feelings, and appreciation. Sorry that I have to do a "group" thank you, busy, busy, busy.
Ginny at Mary and Me - What a treat to know how this post helped. Thanks for sharing that fact.
Found this beauty, and this was made from my Great, Great Grandfather. Have the painting (a copy) hanging in my dining room. Love it. His son Ceasar, moved to NY, and his family grew up on Long Island NY. thanks for sharing.
Niccolo' Barabino, is my great, great, grandfather and we are very proud. His son Ceasar, moved to NY,in the late 1800's and he raised his family on Long Island, Ny. thank you
Thank you for sharing the information about the original creator of this beautiful image. You must be so proud of this connection. God blesses you every time you look at it I'm sure.
She is also patron of those trying to conceive and childbirth. We tried for six years and after a suggested novena to invoke her...we finally conceived our miracle. Joseph Michael Gerard.
Thank you for sharing your experience with prayers. You have chosen three of my favorite Saints for his name. He will be blessed for sure.
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