Thursday, February 18, 2010

Be More...........February 18

"Aspire not to have more
but to be more."

Bishop Oscar Romero


Anonymous said...

Amen !!! Todays verse is wonderful. A reminder to us all......


Josef_63 said...

A very nice posting as we begin into the second day of Lent.

I will be praying for you Micki, that you will soon be feeling better. Hope it isn't too cold there in Indiana. A blessed day to you! John K.

EC Gefroh said...

Micki, I guess it was by no coincidence that we watched Romero last night at home. Thank you.

Micki said...

Anonymous - I'm not sure about you but I certainly need these reminders. Thanks.

John K. - Thank you John for your prayers. I'm totally back to normal. Praise Him and I Thank Him.

Esther G. - I'm so surprised that you were just watching Romero. That is more than a coincidence. How He works is always surprising.