"Christ saved men not with thunder and lightning,
but as a wailing babe in the manger
and as a silent sufferer upon the Cross."
St. Jerome
Polish words at top say "Happy Holy Days of God's Birth" (probably referring to the "Twelve Days of Christmas" (through Epiphany).
Angel's banner has the Latin "GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO" (literally, "Glory to God in the heights").
Below the clouds are banners (in the colors of Poland's flag), crossed spears, a crown, and the Polish "coat of arms" (a stylized white eagle on a red background).
I just came upon your blog... You have something beautiful and catholic here.
I also have a similar blog (jyjax.blogspot.com) and came across yours as I was surfing
Keep up the good work. God Bless you!
Thank you so much for posting the wonderful Polish Holy Card. My grandfather had one similar to this one in his prayerbook, this card brought back many beautiful memories of my Polish heritage. The "great's" in my family came to the United States and specifically to Panna Maria, Texas in 1854 led by my dad's "great's uncle" Father Leopold Moczygemba. May you have blessed peace in the coming new year.
Regin - Welcome, I'm delighted you "came upon" this blog. It is always a blessing to greet new viewers.
J Stolle - Thank you for sharing that your grandfather had a similar holy card in his prayerbook. Isn't it amazing what we can be reminded of from our youth? I'm happy that I could help bring back a treasured memory.
Fr. Leopold led you to a great state. Hope the bluebells remind you of his adventure.
The polish coat of arms reminds me of Pope John Paul II....perhaps this card was a foreshadowing of the Great Pope! Once again Micki, your cards are so exquisite and inspirational. Thanks for sharing them!
Pam J - Thank you for your words mentioning our dear and wonderful Pope John Paul II. He certainly taught us of his deep love for his country. The Polish people always seemed to have such a love of our Lord. I'm delighted that you find joy and inspiration here. I appreciate your leaving a comment.
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