"We can't meet Him there (in our hearts) if we can't meet the naked Christ in the street."
St. Basil
Often we limit ourselves to visiting the child Jesus in the decorated crib in the church and forget the Christ who is amidst the poor and hungry. This Advent, let's come out of our narrow worlds and meet Christ in our life situations.
German words mean:
"Let us love Him, because He first loved us."
(based on 1 John 4:19)
The German words mean this:
"Let us love Him, because He first loved us." (based on 1 John 4:19)
What a beautiful and touching holy card! The Child Jesus face is so full of love! The Message with today's image is also so inspiring. Often we overlook those who are less fortunate, or tell ourselves "these people should have planned better or it is not my problem." How sad!! We must remember the words of Our dear Lord, " when you did it to the least of my brethren you did unto me." We have a Christian resposibility to share the blessings we have received with those who are hurting! It is my prayer everyday that Jesus will be born anew in everyones heart! May everyone have a Blessed and Holy Advent! John K.
The quote from St. Basil has been a favorite of mine all my adult life. It has helped guide me into and in my profession, as well as my personal life. It stands as another stark warning beside Mt 25.41-46.
John - Once again, thank you.
Josef_63 - Love your prayer John K.
Irene - How great to know someone has one of these many quotes as their personal favorite. Great.
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