Feast of the Holy Family supersedes the Feast of the Holy Innocents when the date falls on a Sunday.
"We can't help thinking of the millions who aren't given a chance to be born, the little ones killed in the womb. ....Child Jesus, help us protect and defend life."
from MY DAILY VISITOR, November/December 2008

Feast of the Holy Family calls us to commemorate the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and to model our family life after theirs.
Joseph provided, Mary took care of the family in her
home and would have taught Jesus Scriptures and prayers of their people.
Make of your home a family church in which to find sanctification. Put Christ at the center of all individual and family life by working and praying together, reading Scriptures and worshiping as a unit.
.....parts taken fromwww.aquinasandmore
What a beautiful Holy Card...the true meaning of Family togetherness.
At Christmas Eve Mass our pastor Father Octavio who is new to our parish and is from Venezuela stated: I call you tonight to stop in front of the manger right after Mass and to meditate on Jesus, pray for your family both living and deceased. Thank Jesus for all the blessings you have received.
How fitting and timely was his message to us as it also mirrored the Medjugorge message that came out the following day.
May each of you be blessed by Our Baby Jesus and His Family now and in the coming year.
JStolle - San Antonio, TX
J Stolle - I'm so glad that you find the holy card meaningful. You sound blessed to have such a wise pastor. What beautiful words he shared with his congregation. Thank you for sharing them with us.
I love this Holy Card too! (the 2nd one) I have never seen one like it! God Bless:)
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