"Remember that the Christian life is one of action, not speech and daydreams. Let there be few words and many deeds, and let them be done well."
St. Vincent Pallotti
Translation of French words:
"The Canticle of Alms, or the Blessing promised for works of charity. 'When you assist your brethren, it is I who present your good works before the Most High.' (Words of the angel of Tobiah)" [The angel's name is St. Raphael
Please read comments below to read
John's excellent addition.
"I found the secret of suffering in peace - I don't say joy. To suffer in peace, it is enough to will all that Jesus wills."
St. Thérèse, the Little Flower
May our help be as to Christ and our helping be as if from Him.
Wonderful thought for today, Micki.
Hope everyone has a most blessed day!
I noticed that, on the wall above the pillow, there is a little picture of the famous act of charity done by St. Martin of Tours, indicating that he is a role model for someone else in the picture.
St. Martin (on the horse in the picture) gave up his cloak to a beggar. Now it appears that a woman is giving up her cloak to a mother and child. And who is the angel standing by? The caption at the bottom lets us know.
Here is a translation of the French words:
"The Canticle of Alms, or the Blessing promised for works of charity. 'When you assist your brethren, it is I who present your good works before the Most High.' (Words of the angel of Tobiah)" [The angel's name is St. Raphael.]
Thankyou, Micki, for this powerful holy card, and much gratitude to you, John,for your insights which really brings the details of the holy card together and which most of us, myself included, would have missed.
This is such a wonderful site....thankyou, again, Micki.
Diane S.
Yes,Yes, As anonymous said,Micki, I too say," Thank YOU" for the wondeful card display every day. and John you clarify all so well for us. Thank YOU !!! A blessed day to us all.
Anonymous from Ca.
Sweet Micki...Awesome picture and quote. Thank you so much for this...it touches me in a special way.
John you brought so much meaning and inspiration with your translation of this picture. God bless you both!
There is a song going through my head "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover"....I'm feeling like my song today is "Fifty Ways to say Thank You." I'm at a loss to say Thank You any differently than a simple "Thank You" to all who leave comments.
Thanks to all of you for your kind words.
Can you post an image with a greater resution? I have a prayer card I want to make for a friend active in the prolife movement who died. The card is beautiful.
Sorry. Resolution. Spell checker.
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