"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore."
(Isaiah 9:6,7)
I love this image. Do you know the source of the painting, maybe the artist's name?
Adorable...absolutely. xo
(my husbands birthday today)
I recommend to you all to listen the beautiful oratory "Messiah" by Händel. The text who is next of today's holycards was put to music in this awesome work, between many others. I singed myself with my choir in my mother language, but there's also and English and German version.
SHEAFmom - I don't have much help but on the bottom of the card it says " "Musee Carnavalet, Le ROI de Rome, par Callot"...I translate as Carnavalet Museum (in Paris), The King of Rome, by Callot.
JennD.'J.M.J.' - Glad you like it.
diddleymaz - Happy Birthday to your dear husband...
Meldelen - I love the music from Handel's Messiah. A Christmas classic around here for sure. The most surprised I ever was though was to learn that in many audiences, when they play and sing this song, they all stand. I think it's a European habit, lovely. What is your mother's language? Thank you.
Thank you Micki. I found this site with 600+ images of Callot’s work, many are b/w Saint sketches. I have not gotten through them all yet Thanks again for bring so much beauty right to our computer monitors day after day.
Ooops I had meant to include the link to the Callot images.
SHEAFmom - I've been having some troubles trying to get your posted address to work. I think I solved it by doing it this way. Let's see if it makes it easier for everyone to get to the site.
click here
Yes, that "click here" link worked much better :-) Thank you.
Of course! We all stand when we sing the Messiah of Händel. Here in my town, we sing this oratory on last Sunday of January, always.
And my mother tongue is one called Catalan or Valenciano, it depends of the accent. It is one of the several languages who are in Spain, appart from Spanish itself.
Meldelen - Thank you for sharing about your custom and your language. It's amazing the different places people come from to visit the blog. We truly are a small "family" with God as our father.
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