Let us bow to the Will of our Father in heaven
and bear the trials and crosses which He
permits to come to us.
Give us the grace to be Your true disciple,
to deny ourselves and take up our
cross daily and follow You.
IMAGO SACRA MILLE GRATIARUM VALET. ("A holy picture is worth a thousand graces")................... This blog is a means to show some of my holy card collection along with some interesting thoughts and inspirations. "....artists have the privilege in the Church and throughout history, to open up so that people can see the mystery of God. The artist speaks, not just literally, but symbolically. Visual images, if well done, can move us. That's a ministry." Quote from Brother Michael Moran, C.P
This is utterly beautiful, Micki, so poignant; and the wonderful rich brown the artist has used is almost "edible". Wonderful, thank you.
Best Regards, Lynneda
The holy card is a treasure-seeing Our Lord under the weight of His cross--the quotation is something to think on all day. Thankyou Micki.
"Spes nostra, salus nostra"
"Our hope, our salvation"
By his Holy Cross he has saved the world.
Once again your pictures brought me to tears.
God has given you a special gift...and you have shared it so generously.
The pictures of Jesus & Mary always help my heart to find words to embrace Him.
Thank you for your friendship,
Thank you Ms. Micki! This one is really wonderful :-)
Beautiful Thankyou Micki:)
Your blog is a JOY and an inspiration:).
Peace to you always:)
Marie xoxoxo
Yes, the cross is our hope and our salvation! I find that really cool!
Thanks dear Micki!
Lynneda - Glad you enjoy the colors along with the message.
D.S. - You make it worthwhile to post. Just knowing that some of you continue to "think on" pleases me greatly.
John - Always great to know what these words mean. Did you receive the card I emailed with a lot of writing on to be translated?
Ed - My favorite thought. Thank you!
Prayerflower - You are my Lenten gift. Prayers for total recovery!
CT - How nice to see you here again. Thanks for stopping by and saying "hello."
Marie - What a joy for you to come by and leave a message. Thank you for taking the time.
Esther - "cool"....I love it. Guess we just enjoy playing it
forward. (did you see the movie?)
Woops - I meant Easter...I'm glad you are related to each other but your names ARE so similar :-))
Thanks for this prayer. I will keep this, and use it if I may. Such a good thing to remember...instead of asking why, accept, be better for it(His will), and grow in wisdom.
Thank you Alexandra, there is so much truth in what you wrote. Keep on posting your wisdom. :-)
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