Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does He Hear Your Heart?........February 16

"God is so close,
in fact,
that God,
even hears the desires of our hearts."

St. Vincent Ferrer

Here is the meaning of the German words on this card ...
[At the top:]
"Holy Viaticum"
[At the bottom:]
"Come one more time to me, o Jesus. Then take me to Thyself."

Thanks John for translation.


  1. Thankyou, Micki, for sharing this beautiful holy
    card! We need to pray that what the card says would
    indeed be the case for each of us....to receive Jesus into our heart just shortly before we run into His arms for eternity.

    Diane S.

  2. Diane - You have given excellent advice. TY. Hey, did you get that mail about the sand painter? It was unbelievable.

    diddleymaz - ...and alleluia, the last one we can say until Easter I believe.
