Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday..........February 17


"Through fasting and praying,
we allow Him to come and satisfy
the deepest hunger that we experience,
in the depths of our being:
the hunger and thirst for God."

Pope Benedict XVI


  1. Beautiful card and meditation for the beginning of Lent, Micki.

    God bless,

  2. The delicacy of the image and the simple strength of the Holy Father's words - truly the perfect blessing to begin the season of Lent.
    Thank you

  3. Stephanie - TY...we have a long 40 days ahead of us. Hope these images bring comfort and inspiration.

    Holy Card Heaven - TY for your kind words. Hope all is going well with you. Hope others are coming to see your beautiful holy cards.

  4. I am printing out the quote - I think it will help over the next 40 days!

  5. This Holy Card is simple, yet beautiful! I love the artist use of innocent children presenting their bouquet of flowers to Jesus. Symbolic of the Giving of ourselves to Jesus as we should in all things.

    The text for today is Awesome. I love anything by our present Holy Father, who is truly annointed by the Holy Spirit! I am grateful for the gift of his Papacy to the World.

    May we use this time of Lent to deepen our relationship with the Lord. Thru prayer,spiritual reading, and self-denial I hope to be transformed more into His image and say, "Yes" His designs for my life. A Blessed and Holy Lent to all of your Visitors and to you Micki! John K.

  6. John K - I love your last words printed above. I'm having a terrible start to Lent having come down with some "pain and suffering" that did't add to my Lenten resolutions. Oh well, I'm praying that all will be well soon.

  7. Angela M - Makes me happy to think these quotes bring inspiration to others. TY
