Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mother's Blessing.....November 28

Of all the rights of women,
the greatest is to be a mother.

Author Unknown

The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.

—Therese of Lisieux


  1. so lovely today Micki!

  2. Love the shadow picture and love, love, love the quotes!

  3. Very nice~Thank you~Love the quote too~JMJ~Lisa S.

  4. Beautiful! And so appropriate during this season of Our Lady's maternity -- and upcoming feastday, too. Thanks so much, as always!

  5. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful prayer today!!

  6. diddleymaz - Thanks and glad for your daily visits.

    Anne - So happy to read that. That "shadow" is also one of my favorites.

    Lisa - Always is a joy to know of those who appreciate/love the quotes. Thanks.

    Lisa - "season of Our Lady's maternity".....brings a smile to my face....we are so blessed to have her for our mother.

    Amy - Thank makes me so delighted when others enjoy these posts.

  7. oh my . beautiful quotes. the first one: it's not always a right. it's a privelege. the second quote: hope you don't mind if I use that in my sidebar of my blog. thanks! I love the silouette style of the holy card as well.

  8. Gardenia - Sure, go ahead and use the quote. I'm happy that the quotes mean something to you. It's always a joy to bring them to others.
