Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Trust..........October 25

"My trust remains in Christ
whose plan for each of us is always perfect,
even when it may seem
unclear to us."

St. Elizabeth A. Seton


  1. A Very Beautiful Card depticting Jesus in all of His Regal Splendor! The text for today by St. Elisabeth Seton is so full of truth. I have always believed, we are where the Lord wants us to be even though we may not understand what is going on at the time. But Jeus sees the whole picture and is inviting us to Trust in Him Toatally! The journey of Life takes a great deal of Courage, Thankfully we have the Graces of Heaven and the Sacraments to sustain us during these moments so that we can truimphantly march to our goal that is Heaven to posses the vision of Our Dearest and Best Friend, Jesus! John K.

  2. John - Thank you for leaving such a beautiful comment. I have to say that the words that you used that really touched me are:
    Splendor, Truthl, Trust, Couragae, Grace, and Posses the Vision. Perfect!

  3. Amen.I am also totally confused and I do not understand I am where I am today. But, I must trust in him who knows all and sees all even when I do not understand it. Jesus I trust in you. Amen.
