Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day..........September 7

"He who labors as he prays
lifts his heart to God with his hands."
(St. Benedict of Nursia)

"Jesus calls us from the worship
Of the vain world's golden store,
From each idol that would keep us,
Saying, 'Christian, love Me more'.

In our joys and in our sorrows,
Days of toil and hours of ease,
Still He calls, in cares and pleasures,
'That we love Him more than these'.

Artist - Cicely M. Barker
Words - Cecil Frances Alexander (1823-95)


  1. Who sweeps a room as for thy sake, makes it and the action fine.

    Do everything in Jesus name, make Him your only Master.

    Yesterdays picture King of Rome is only son of Naploeon Bonaparte, hence Cockeral rattle,ribbon of order across chest and warlike eagle, his mother was Austro hungarian Princess. Im sure Ive seen the original painting somewere and I think the correct term would be after Callot, meaning in the style of.

  2. diddleymaz - Oh my goodness. Here I thought it was baby Jesus. I'm shocked yet thrilled to have your explanation. I should have known you would know the "art story"about this interesting picture. I was hoping someone would know the meaning behind the bird and crown. I wonder how many others will assume it to be Jesus?
    Thanks so much. Now if you will just explain the meaning of your comment name :-)

  3. He was also kown as the Eaglet, L'aiglon in french.
    my nickname is 2 stuck together, My Dad called me Diddley and colegues called me Mazza.

  4. if you go here you will see some of my pets and The adoration pic in the background :)By the way you know you asked about standing for the H chrus in messiah? did you get my email about George II starting it off? He stood as if for a national anthem first time he heard it and everyone else had to stand too.
