Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birth of Mary..........September 8

"Let us celebrate with joy
the birth of the Virgin Mary,
of whom was born the Sun of Justice....
Her birth constitutes the hope
and the light of salvation
for the whole world....
Her image is light
for the whole Christian people."
(From the Liturgy)


  1. O Mary, concieved without sin, be my Mother and pray for me.
    Parents of the Holy Virgin, Joachim and Anna on this the day when we echo your joy in the birth of your beloved child intercede for us with your Most Holy Grandson ,Saviour who is given to the world by her aquiecence to the Divine Will of the Father. Amen

  2. To diddlemaz,Thank you for your prayer to Joachim and Anna and to our saviour. It is beautiful. I personnaly felt the intercessions,through your prayer to be meant for me as well.

    Thank You !!!!
    anonymous from Ca.

  3. Ooooh, so hard to find Nativity of Mary holy card and images. Thanks so much for this one. We'll make holy cards from this image today! Infant Mary, of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us!

  4. Beautiful image! Isn't of the statue of Maria Bambina?
    Happy Birthday Most Holy Mother. :]

  5. diddleymaz - Beauiful.

    Lisa - This might be hard to duplicate because of its delicate colors. Good luck.

    Jet - I'm sure she enjoyed that message.

    Josh - I'm not familiar with that statue, sorry.

  6. Oh, what an unusual card ... and so lovely!

    Happy Birthday, Mary!

  7. Today, in my town is celebrated our heavenly patroness, Our Lady of Good Health, since it's tradition in Spain to celebrate on 8th September all the Madonnas who were miraculously founded, and our Madonna is one of those.

    Look, this is a photo I made of her: http://meldelen.deviantart.com/art/Virgen-de-la-Salud-III-97627202

    Unfortunately, it's a modern image, the very old one, which was miraculously founded in a empty tree, was destroyed in Spanish Civil War (1986-1939).

  8. http://www.nantymoel.co.uk/ this were i live Micki. Nant-y-moel. South Wales.

  9. Ginny - How appropriate to say Happy Birthday to Mary. I'm sure she smiled at those words. Thank you.

    Meldelen - How interesting to read about your tradition. It must be a wonderful experience to know the entire story behind Mary with this title. Thank you for sharing your photo.....very ornate and elegant.

    diddleymaz - South Wales....Wow...that's a long way away. I'm not very familiar with your part of the world...except for the singer...Humperdink or something like that. (Sorry, I know that's not his name but I just can't remember it right now.) Deliah was one of his famous songs I think.
