Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feast of St. Gregory the Great.........September 3

Pope and Doctor of the Church
Patron of Teachers

"He who would climb to a lofty height
must go by steps, not leaps."

Pope St. Gregory the Great

Read about St. Gregory

The Italian words on the card say, "St. Gregory the Great, Protector of the City of Manduria."



  1. Friends,

    The Italian words on the card say, "St. Gregory the Great, Protector of the City of Manduria."

    I have not been able to determine why this southeast Italian town, very far from Rome, has St. Gregory as its special "protector" (patron saint).


  2. Our great Pope protect us all!, another reminder of our wonderful history, the servants of the servants of God.

  3. John - As always...big thank you.

    diddleymaz - How lucky we are to have all these reminders. Thanks for that "reminder"....
