"I place within the chalice the souls of all my relatives for whom I should pray;
the souls of those for whom I may have forgotten to pray;
the souls most devout to the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Virgin;
the souls of the most abandoned,
Jesus, when Thou changest the wine into Thy Precious Blood,
change these poor souls from their place of suffering into Eternal Happiness."
From MARY'S CALL, page 45
Micki, that's a wonderful prayer! When I was a child our parish priest taught us a lovely prayer for the raising of the chalice and I continue to pray it at every Consecration at every Mass..."Jesus, take this blood and pour it over the poor souls in purgatory, but save one drop for me at the hour of my death."
Anne, what a wonderful prayer. I am going to take it and use as use do. "Thank You" for such a wonderful start to my day.
To the comment I left,excuse the error that should say, you do rather than, use do. Sorry !!!
Anne - Ohhhhh I love that prayer. I'm going to use it myself. I'll remember the good priest who taught it to you. Thank you.
KTee - Looks like we can all use this beautiful prayer.
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