Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pope St. Clement 1 of Rome.......August 30

"Without love, nothing is pleasing to God."

Pope St. Clement 1 of Rome

French words:

"His Holiness Clement XII. Lorenzo Corsini, born in Florence, elected pope in 1730, died in 1740, gave his name to a chapel in [the Cathedral of] St. John Lateran."

Pope Clement XII canonized St. Vincent de Paul and published the first papal document condemning Freemasonry.


  1. But the holycard refers to Clement XII, not to Clement I...

  2. Meldelen - Good eyes! I can't believe I made that mistake...I'm of the "elder" generation and we learned how to read Roman Numberals (do they still do that in schools?)....anyway, great quote, wrong Clement. I guess there really is no rule that says I must have the correct holy card with a chosen quote...I do try. Thanks, if anyone has a quote from St. Pope Clement XII please let me know.

  3. Friends,

    Here is the meaning of the card's French words:

    "His Holiness Clement XII. Lorenzo Corsini, born in Florence, elected pope in 1730, died in 1740, gave his name to a chapel in [the Cathedral of] St. John Lateran."

    PS: Pope Clement XII canonized St. Vincent de Paul and published the first papal document condemning Freemasonry.

  4. John - Your information was so interesting I had to put it all next to the card. Thank you

  5. Dear Micki: no problem. As far as I know, Latin numerals are still taught in school, but the more I practised them was at my degree...Saint Clement I, indeed, was the pope who died martyr by being drowned in the sea with an anchor tied to his neck.

  6. Thank you Micki for another reminder of our wonderful Catholic history of saintly popes and how they sought to spread the word.Holy Fathers Clement please pray for us and help us follow the teachings of God

  7. Meldelen and Diddleymaz - Thank you for being so helpful with all your comments. They are much appreciated.
