Thursday, August 20, 2009

Christ's Blessings..........August 20

"God will give us all blessings which were promised us through Christ."

St. Justin Martyr

French words:

"For the poor, if you please!
To relieve the sufferings of the body, give your excess.
To relieve those of the soul, give your compassion."


  1. Thankyou, Micki, for sharing this treasure!

    Diane S.

  2. Friends,

    Here is the meaning of the card's French words:

    "For the poor, if you please! To relieve the sufferings of the body, give your excess. To relieve those of the soul, give your compassion."


  3. GOD BLESS YOU. Cecilia

  4. Such a true saying,and a lovely old card.

  5. Diane S. - You always bring a smile to my face. Thanks for that.

    John - Another great translation. Thank you.

    Cecilia - Thank you...and also to you.

    diddleymaz - Thank you for always appreciating the daily cards and quotes.

    Sanctus Belle - Yes, me too. I wish they could still make them today but I guess it would cost way too much.
