Sunday, February 7, 2010

We All Need Your Love..........February 7

"Never give a hollow greeting of peace or turn away when someone needs your love."

Rule of St. Benedict


  1. Beautiful holy card and powerful quote! Thankyou, Micki!

    Diane S.

  2. This is beautiful Micki.
    Thank You

  3. Diane - Your welcome. Hey, did anything come in the mail yet? I'm worried.

    Ed - Always smile when I see your name here Ed. Still praying and always will, for you know who.

  4. What Beautiful Words to live by. How sad tho it isn't lived out more often by each of us. When we offer a act of kindness to anyone that we meet, we are actually doing this for Jesus. I always pray that I may always have a giving heart and one that is a forgiving. Often it is difficult to be kind to those that may have hurt us, but this is what Jesus calls us to do.

    Thank You Micki for having this wonderful site for all of us. It offers "nourishment" for my soul that I may persevere in my journey with the Lord, inspite of the speed bumps that I encounter along the way. Thank You Jesus for the gift of my Faith, may I truly become more humble each day with your Grace. John K.

  5. John K - "Journey", "Speed bumps", "Along the way".....thank you...I've just been on a beautiful trip with you traveling to HIM. What a wonderful message you given us. GBY

  6. Oh how beautiful Micki!!! I just love it.

  7. Esther - Thank you. Good to see your name here once again. You have a wonderful blog...hope others get over there to check it out. (Just click on her name here) :-)
