Friday, February 5, 2010

Pious Reflections........February 5

"We must pray without ceasing,
in every occurrence and employment of our lives -
that prayer which is rather a habit
of lifting up the heart to God
as in a constant communication."

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


  1. Yes, in ALL things and situations, let us give THANKS !!!

    Have a happy day ! :)


  2. What a beautiful holy card! Thankyou, Micki!

    Diane S.

  3. Friends,

    Here is the meaning of the French words on the right side of this card:

    "Yes, my God, I am Thine forever!
    "I shall love the Cross out of love for Thee!
    "I shall seek it by thinking about Thee!
    "I shall carry it in union with Thee!"


    PS: Micki, I think that the first word in the title should be spelled, "Pious."

  4. snflwr - Yes, develop an attitude of gratitude :-)
    You too have a happy day.

    Diane - Y W Hope all are healthy at your place.

    John - Thank you for your translation. I bet you "don't think" I bet you know for sure that I made a mistake....thanks for letting me get it right.

  5. I follow you blog daily - thank you for all of the beautiful pictures and prayers... they always touch my day. I am a new blogger - still trying to set up ...


  6. Mary - Thank you for being a first time commenter. Welcome to the site. I also wish you success with your starting a blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
