Saturday, February 27, 2010

Christ Before Pilate.......February 27

We too will stand before God to be judged.
Are we prepared?

Lenten Thought:
"Perhaps we need to fast from noise and busyness in order to hear God speaking in the silence. Perhaps we need to fast from television and entertainment in order to hear God in the cries of the poor and the stranger."
It is not too late to start.

Rev. Robert F. Dueweke, OSA


  1. Micki,how wonderful "a Blessing to Read" is. T.Y. for this marvelous addition to what you already give to us in the holy cards for inspiration. I know for a fact you are a blessing for me. If I may add,I have written for my annonymous saint a couple of times and have had no reply. Again, Thank You so much for all you give of yourself to us.

    :)! have a blessed day !!

  2. I also wrote a couple of times asking for a saint, and received no response. My records show my email was delivered and opened. Oh, well! She probably has bigger fish to fry.

  3. Wow! This text posted for today, defintely makes one really look into ones soul, and really take an inventory of their state. I pray that I may always keep before my mind the conscience awareness of the time when the Lord calls me to stand before Him. May He be merciful to me and may I die to self more with each passing day, so that Jesus will admit my poor soul into the Kingdom He has so lovingly created for all of His Children. Jesus, Son of God have Mercy on me a poor sinner in need of your saving Grace, Love and Guidence. A blessed Weeekend to all and to you dear Micki! John K.

  4. ca. snflwr - So glad you enjoyed the beginnings of "A Blessing To Read". I know it will grow to be a well loved piece.
    I'm sorry to hear that you are not getting a reply from the Patron Saint address. I'm not privy to why this isn't working. Keep storming heaven.

    Anonymous - I'm wondering if she only did this during the month of January. Again, keep trying...I'll send off a letter and see if I can learn anything also. I'll call on my two St. Julias to intercede for other saints who want to be your patron.

    John K - Once again your words say what I'm thinking also. Can't wait to read that you will soon be a deacon....your homilies will be well received I'm sure. Blessings to you also.
