Friday, January 29, 2010

Angels Round My Bed..........January 29

Four corners to my bed,
Four angels round my head,
One to watch and two to pray,
One to keep all fear away.

picture by:
Margaret W. Tarrant


  1. I love it. what a sweet childhood prayer.

  2. The so beautiful. I have this prayer in my book of angels. Beautiful one to share. Thanks Mickki
    snflwr of ca.

  3. The picture beautiful, the verse conforting--

  4. This is too sweet. Thank you! I really needed this today ... it's been quite a week. God bless.

  5. A very pretty card. I love this artist work, always sweet. Lovely prayers as well. Thank you for sharing Micki! I hope you are well. John K.

  6. Gardenia - I hope your daughter enjoys also.

    Snflwr Isn't it great how these prayers seems to get around?

    Ginny at Mary and Me - Hope some peace comes your way after a stressful week.

    John K. - Yes, I am very well. I hope the same for you. Any news about your future? You know what I'm talking about. Thanks for your comment .... nice to know you are hanging around in the blogs.

  7. Serena - Welcome to a new commenter. Thanks.

  8. I'm 78 years old and I still say this prayer. I love it still.
