Friday, December 25, 2009

O Come Let Us Adore Him.......December 25

A Child is born to us, a Son is given to us,
and the government is upon His shoulders,
and His name shall be: Wonderful, Counsellor, God, the Mighty One, Father of the world to come, Prince of Peace.

Pause to wonder, and let your heart sing, "Glory
to God in the highest.

Dear Friends,

May our loving Jesus bless each and everyone who takes a moment to look at this humble collection of holy cards. It is His grace that touched all the authors and saints who supply me with such beautiful words of grace and wisdom. The talent given to the artists who created such a variety of cards is also His gift to us. I hope you enjoy visiting as much as I enjoy bringing my hobby to you.

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all.




    A Blessed Christmas Micki, to you and your family!

    God Bless always,

    Jet from the Philippines!

  2. Hark the herald angels sing, Glory to the new born KING! merry CHRISTmas Micki.

  3. Merry Christmas to you, Micki, your family and all who join you daily in silence or printed expression for love for our God. My wish is for hope and peace for all.

  4. A Blessed Christmas Micki and to your family! Thank you for all of your dedication and love you put into this wonderful site for those of us that find nourishment for our souls each day! May Jesus and Our Lady enfold you in the care of their love! John K.

  5. Thank you Micki for sharing your Holy Cards. These are trully inspirational. These are like my daily prayers! God Bless!!

  6. Merry Christmas, Micki, to you and your family. Thank you for providing us with such great meditations each day. And a very Merry Christmas to all those who visit here.

    God bless,

  7. Jet, Gardenia, Mary Lou, John K., Anonymous and Stephanie
    Thank you all for your blessings and continued love and support. I also would like to wish you blessings and grace and thanksgiving for being my "unseen friends". To find you here in comments is like getting a phone call from you just to wish me a good day. Those that leave their names and those "anonymous" are definitely people in my prayers and my lips smile when I see a visitor has stopped by. God bless you all.

  8. Merry Christmas To all and May God always Bless you.

    gina pecher

  9. Gina - A day late blessing to you also. Thanks for stopping by.
