Friday, November 13, 2009

In Love With Blessed Mary...........November 13

"Someone truly in love with Mary
finds time to turn to her as often as possible,
to stay as long as possible at her feet.
We would entrust our troubles and worries,
and our whole life to her."

St. Maximilian Kolbe


  1. Wonderful thought to get me through this Friday, Micki.

    God bless everyone here and have a restful weekend!


  2. This holy card is just BEAUTIFUL/EXQUISITE!! I love the quote by Maximillian Kolbe about our Mother. Thanks for sharing with us daily~you are very inspiring for me~JMJ~Lisa S.

  3. A hug fron Our Mother! Thanks Micki, a lovely old image, sweet and pretty.

  4. What a beautiful card and quote! Thankyou, Micki!

    Diane S.

  5. Stephanie - Thank you for your message..blessings back to you also.

    Lisa S. - I'm filled with joy knowing you are inspired...I'm praying others are also. Thank you.

    diddleymaz - Ohhhhh, thank you for the "hug from Mary" heart is full.

    Diane S. - Your welcome dear friend.

  6. Friends,

    Beneath the picture are the French words, "Sainte Vierge." Literally, this means, "the Holy Virgin," which is how native francophones (such as Alice von Hildebrand) often refer to Our Lady in English (instead of saying, "the Blessed Virgin").


  7. Amen! Mary, You are my Beloved - the love and beat of my poor heart. To be in love with You is the greatest gift and grace I could ever desire. You are my Everything.

  8. Dani - What a beautiful prayer. I'm sure Mary is smiling and treasuring those words. Thank you for sharing.

  9. May She be with you always, Micki. Ave Maria blessings to you. Thank you for your kind words. <3
