Wednesday, September 23, 2009

St. Padre Pio..........September 23

Read about St. Padre Pio

"Do you think the Lord gave them to me for a decoration?"

St. "Padre" Pio of Pietrelcina
(when asked if the stigmata
were painful)


  1. Dear Padre, what an example for our Priests!
    One of our congregation met him!
    Pray for us Holy Friar and help us to Trust and Pray.

  2. As usual, a great thought for today, Micki. Helps me to remember that God doesn't allow suffering just for "the heck of it." It is to help me grow in grace and in love for others. And I need to be reminded of this daily.

    Thanks, Micki!

  3. I so adore our St. Padre Pio; when I think of him, it reminds me to be more humble and to trust in God's providence.

  4. does anyone know if Padre Pio's body was reburied on sept 23, 2009? I have looked everywhere since the 23rd and cannot find anything. I traveled to San Giovanni Rotondo, 4 months ago and I was told that his body which had been exhumed last April of 2008 would be buried at on his feast day.
